In many countries, Feb. 14 is Valentine’s Day celebration.
That’s a time when lovers are encouraged to kiss and make gifts and that can happen every where including in public spaces. For LGBT people, it’s not always as simple to kiss in public places since there is often a fear of people insulting or even attacking, simply on homophobic grounds.
This week-end in France, taking this “Valentine’s Day” opportunity, in many places there will be gatherings in public places where same-sex and opposite-sex couples are kissing, at a given time, with some police officers to make sure the event happens safely, in order to create a sort of awareness on this inherent difficulty of visibility.
Within the work space, visibility can also be a problem for LGBT employees. On one side, some may think private life should remain “private” (although many people would easily talk about spouse and kids…), others rather think employees should be encouraged to mix private and professional lives just to be themselves and comfortable at work.
As an employee, what is your opinion on LGBT visibility? Should it be encouraged? Should it be restricted? …